In this five-week group, you will free-write from recovery-related prompts on a topic
and read your results to the group. You will walk away with 5 stories about your recovery.
The following requirements must be fulfilled before you attend this group: NONE.
You don’t have to be a writer. You don’t have to be a storyteller. You don’t have to be or do anything.
No expectations - Just show up, and get some thoughts down. We will laugh, we will cry,
and most important, we will develop friendships with others in recovery.
How it works:
• Theme with prompting questions is provided.
• Free-write
• We voluntarily read what we came up with out loud to the group.
• Supportive, loving feedback and comments are encouraged.
Benefits Realized:
• Bonding with others on a personal, intimate level.
• Finding similarities where before we may have seen differences.
• Feeling genuine compassion and empathy for others.
• Developing interest in other people stories and lives.
• Tapping into memories. Using different parts of our brains.
• Increased self-esteem at the realization that others find us interesting.
• Finding purpose and something to look forward to.
• Finding a voice and a new interest/hobby.
• Doing something just for you. Taking care of yourself.
• Addressing so many of the self-care tools that we are assigned in recovery.
• Providing service to others. Yes, people want to hear your stories. It’s a gift.
Class is Full - Waitlist Available
5-Week Virtual Workshop
Creativity Workshop
Date: Starts Monday, January 8th
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Location: On Zoom
About Jean Unger
Jean has been facilitating life story writing groups for 10 years. When she became sober in 2020, she developed the WriteRecover program to give people in recovery an opportunity to share around writing and build community. The benefits of both writing and sharing our stories are numerous, and particularly in recovery.
Jean is a writer living in Erie, Colorado with her husband and her dog. She is a native New Yorker, has family in Massachusetts, and travels back and forth quite frequently. She believes that creative endeavors and the arts are the solution to everything, including world peace. So she is thankful to CAIR for creating this space for us.